UAE: Repair Responsibilities in Rented Properties – What Tenants Need to Know

UAE: Repair Responsibilities in Rented Properties – What Tenants Need to Know

When a rented property sustains damage due to severe weather or other unforeseen events, the question of who is legally responsible for repairs arises. In the UAE, the burden typically falls on the landlord, but there are specific nuances across different emirates. Here’s an overview of tenant rights and responsibilities regarding repairs in rented properties in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah.

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Landlord Responsibilities for Repairs

Abu Dhabi Under Abu Dhabi Rental Law (Law No. 20/2006), the landlord is required to maintain the leased property and make necessary repairs to keep it usable, excluding minor repairs. If tenants face significant maintenance issues that render the property uninhabitable, they can seek resolution through the emirate’s Rental Dispute Centre. The landlord is responsible for covering maintenance costs unless otherwise specified in the tenancy agreement.

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Dubai According to Dubai’s tenancy regulation (Law No. 26 of 2007), landlords are responsible for all maintenance costs unless the tenancy contract specifies otherwise. Article 17 of the law clarifies that landlords must address defects or damages not caused by the tenant. For significant maintenance expenses, tenants can request reimbursement from the landlord. If the contract lacks clarity on maintenance responsibilities, disputes can be resolved through the Rental Dispute Centre.

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Sharjah Sharjah Law No. 2 of 2007 outlines the landlord’s responsibility for maintaining the property during the lease period, ensuring it is in suitable condition for use. The law requires landlords to handle maintenance work without additional rental payments unless agreed upon in the lease agreement. However, tenants must use the property according to the contract terms to avoid damage and unnecessary repair costs.

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities

Under the UAE Civil Code (Federal Law No. 5 of 1985), tenants have the right to request reimbursement for significant maintenance expenses they incur if the landlord fails to act. Tenants can also address urgent issues themselves and seek reimbursement from the landlord or deduct the costs from rent.

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In cases where landlords refuse to make necessary repairs, tenants have options such as requesting the rental dispute committee to terminate the contract or seeking a rent reduction proportional to the damage. These measures protect tenants from bearing responsibilities that should be the landlord’s duty.

Consider Renters’ Insurance

Tenants are advised to consider content or tenant insurance to cover personal belongings and provide alternative accommodation in case of emergencies. Many UAE tenants currently lack insurance coverage, so exploring options can provide peace of mind and protection for personal property.

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What Happens Without Renters’ Insurance?

Tenants without insurance may still have options depending on the cause of the damage. If the property was damaged due to the landlord’s negligence, tenants may seek compensation. For instance, repeated requests to address issues like broken windows or a damaged roof that are ignored by the landlord may warrant a claim.

In cases of damage caused by defective construction, tenants may have recourse against the landlord, as this directly affects the property and ties to the responsibilities of ownership.

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Tenants are encouraged to review their tenancy agreements and legal rights to navigate these situations effectively and ensure they are adequately protected.

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